Please read this guide in its entirety. 

Once an ePermit has been submitted by the student, it will be added to a queue of applications to be reviewed by Hunter's registrar (ePermit unit) and processed in the order received.  [This guide contains screenshots]

After submission, it can be reviewed by selecting the Academic Records tile on the Student Center and selecting ePermit from the left hand margin.

1. Click Search ePermit

2. You may see other institutions listed here but always select your home school (Hunter College) and the respective term in which you submitted the ePermit.

3. You will see the ePermit applications listed in the table that appears beneath the term selection along with the status in the last column:


StatusWhat it means
InitiatedThe ePermit application has been successfully submitted into the system for review.
PendingThe application has been forwarded from the ePermit unit to first or second level committee members (advisors, staff and/or faculty members within academic departments or programs) for additional review and feedback.
ApprovedePermit unit (and/or committee) has determined that the student is eligible to proceed to take the course at another institution. At this point, the host school(s) noted on the application will receive a notification.***
ePermit unit (and/or 2nd level committee) have determined that the student is not eligible to go on ePermit based on one or more factors. A denial rational will be noted in the 'eRegistrar comments' section on the ePermit application for the student to review.
CancelledStudent requested ePermit cancellation. However, there are a few circumstances in which the [ePermit] unit will cancel the application.

***The host school may not receive the approval notification immediately. The hosts ePermit unit/coordinator will need additional time to process the request as it's also added to their queue on their side. Once the host has updated the students record, an enrollment appointment (registration date and time), separate from that at Hunter, will be assigned so the student can enroll.

5. Students can review any comments left by the ePermit coordinator and the committee (if applicable). These comments are usually equivalency notes (notably for Chemistry) so you are aware of how the course will transfer back to your Hunter record at the end of the semester. And instructions and expectations of using the ePermit.

To review the eRegistrar comments or committee responses to your ePermit if you are DENIED OR APPROVED, select the radio button next to the ePermit and press 'Continue':

6. A window with your submitted ePermit application will popup. Scroll down to the bottom of that window to see the eRegistrar comments section as to why your ePermit was denied or approved:

By clicking and dragging the lower right hand corner of the text area, it can be expanded to view all the comments from a coordinator.

7A.  If your ePermit was forwarded to an academic department or program, you will see the Approve table below the eRegistrar comments section by scrolling down:

7B. Click on View/Hide Comments, this will only be visible if the committee members have left you information (**especially for CHEMISTRY ePermit approvals**)